
Are you looking for agent representation?

Don't hesitate to contact us as we are always on the lookout for new, exciting talent. Whether you're a solo singer, a guitar vocalist, a musical duo, a trio, a band, a tribute artist, or a comedian, it doesn't matter... WE WANT YOU!We regularly hold audition nights so we can see what your act is all about, discuss potential opportunities with you, and see whether you are right for our agency.

Get in touch today using the form below!


We here at Bigstar have worked in all areas of the business, from the agency side, and running entertainment venues to having either performed, or still performing in acts now. We know what it’s like to be in your shoes, but we also know what other areas of the business are looking for.


We’re open and honest with our acts. If we get good feedback, we’ll let you know. If we get bad feedback we’ll also tell you…as constructive criticism can only improve your performance in future.


We can advise you on how to make your act the best it can be. Be it stylistically, visually, sound-wise, audience engagement. So if you’re thinking there’s something missing from your show, we can work with you.


Most agencies will let you know your gigging schedule one month at a time…we don’t. We tell you about every gig, be it in 2 days’ time or 2 years. This means you can plan your life the way you want. You can budget financially knowing well in advance how often you’re gigging in any given month. As musicians ourselves we know how difficult juggling work, home and social life can be…so let us make it that little bit easier.

You can decide that you’ve got enough work on any month so don’t wish to take any more bookings that month.

If a gig gets cancelled, we’ll tell you straight away.

Only want to travel so far?…that’s ok. We don’t demand that you perform beyond the area within which you’re comfortable. If an offer comes in beyond your normal distance that we think you may be interested in…we’ll ask you.

All about you

Entertainment agencies have got a bad rep as many take the belief that you work for them. We don’t… we work for you. We merely advise based upon our experience about any choices you may wish to make…the ultimate decision lies with you.


Any artist that decides they wish to be represented solely by Bigstar is offered our totally free publicity design service. You give us a quality photo…and we do the rest. This could cost hundreds elsewhere.

Every performance is fully advertised and marketed for you

We provide a totally free promotional poster design service and send them to venus on your behalf, way ahead of the show date so your performance is well advertised.

No need to pay out on expensive designers and photographers, or spend years of your life understanding how to use Photoshop. You can concentrate on developing your act. Let us concentrate on promoting you... it's our job.

Audition Request Form

Complete the form below telling us more information about your act, and we will be in touch.

Your Details

About your Act